This bag is amazing, I carry big lens for wildlife photography and the bag fits in everything I use for my photography. The quality for the bag is perfection such a top quality bag on the outside especially love the padded shoulder straps with my heavy equipment. The inside is even better nice thick compartments to make sure my camera and lens is protected I can not recommend this bag enough. I have had a few bags over these years but none compare to how good this bag is
Definitely recommend this bag to anyone is interested in keeping their gear safe while looking stylish x
So impressed with this bag! The quality is incredible, the size is perfect, and the pockets are amazing. Not only can it be used as a camera bag but also as a handbag. 10/10 recommend!
I am really stoked with the quality and size of this bag. It's really comfortable to wear, and fits a LOT of gear in it. Love all the different compartments, and that it's customisable. Super easy access to my camera when I need it when out and about. Highly recommend it, I'll definitely be back for more Taz & Tez gear. Thanks team! x
I've had my Pippa bag for just over a week now, and everyone in my life has been subjected to hearing me rave about it. It's so gorgeous! I've got a huge Canon dslr; I was able to fit it and two lenses, one being a hefty Sigma art lens, inside this bag with ample room to spare for even a flash unit to slip in beside it. I'm telling you, this bag is like Doctor Who's tardis. The quality is absolutely fantastic, you'll fit more in it than you ever thought possible, and Taz + Tez shipped it out to me (In NZ) very fast. 11/10 service!
I'm a content creator and recently got the pippa bag from Taz + Tez and have found it to be the handiest bag to store all of my equipment! Even if you're not in the creative industry this bag would be so handy for anyone needing to carry around a lot of accessories or work equipment, I even suggest this bag to mums! It's also stylish and very professional looking. Can't recommend this enough.